Since the dawn of time, people have used interior design and architectural design to enhance their living environment. This enhancement is ultimately a manipulation of energy. Imagine an interior design service that incorporates Pranic Healing at its core. This is our unique and beautiful offering.
We physically experience the order of a decluttered space. We feel the improved "flow" of a room's furniture layout. Lighting is scientifically proven to impact our well-being, affecting our mood, sleep quality, and hormone levels.
Color and fabric choices have a visceral impact, as we react to their vibrations and textures, which directly influence our state of mind. Moreover, the emotions of the people dwelling in a space leave residual energies. Antiques and personal belongings also carry energies from previous owners.
An interior designer typically works with a property's vibration, intuitively matching the energy of the client to the overall energy of the space they create.
However, by uniquely designing mindfully, as Camilla Hampton and her team do, they maximize their clients' well-being, by creating designs (lighting, decor, layout) that are harmonious with the client, aesthetically, functionally and energetically.
We use Pranic Healing to cleanse antiques, dwellings, and land, removing negative or unwanted energies and replacing them with positive ones.
This provides a unique, holistic design service